
Missing Steps in the Law of Attraction

Missing Steps in the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a Universal law which allows us to manifest WHATEVER we want into our lives. The 3 steps are said to be ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE.  However, after years of being obsessed with the Law of Attraction and the infinite possibilities that the Universe has available to us, I have figured out a few steps that are constantly missed or looked over.  If you have given the Law of Attraction a go and have been disappointed with the result, then maybe you're missing a few of these crucial steps. I won't go into detail about the original...

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Staying Focused

Staying Focused

What is focus to you? Focus to me is remaining in alignment, staying positive and sticking to my goals! When I am completely focused on those three elements of my life, everything else seems to fall into place. I have clarity, I feel good and exciting things happen!  I think we can all agree that moving forward, whether it be in your career, relationship, booking a holiday or even things like getting your tax done, brings on good feelings. If you're like me, it will give you a sense of pride and motivates you even more to keep going and to...

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Self Love 101

Self Love 101

Loving yourself completely, will change everything.  It's time to be the best version of YOU, and to do that you have to absolutely, whole heartedly love and believe in yourself like crazy. It's not vain to do so, it's actually humble. Show thanks to the Universe, God, Buddha (whoever you believe in), that you're so thankful that they made you, YOU.  We all have special qualities, features and characteristics which make us individual. It's natural to compare, judge and hate on ourselves for the things that make us feel ugly, self conscious or not good enough. What a lot of...

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Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become Things

Did you know our brains can't distinguish the difference between imagination and reality? This means, that you can trick your mind into creating whatever you want. It sounds too good to be true, but I and hundreds of the best scientists around the world (like how I just casually put myself in the bracket of one of the best scientists in the world), can tell you that it IS true. The things you think about, you bring about.  ALRIGHT, HOW DO I START? Believe.  A lot of us use the Law of Attraction without realising, which means a lot of us already trick...

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