For me, the smell of the sea, the feel of the sand in between my toes, and salty hair makes me feel alive! I am free when I am near the sea.
My Mum told me my Nan used to sing this song and it has stuck with me ever since.
“I see the sea, the bright
blue sea, I see the sea,
I’m as happy as can be.”
When I take time by myself it’s usually at the beach. I use this as my meditation time. My form of meditating is staring at the horizon, walking or sitting. I don’t know why, but I just love it.
I always find this a good time to thank the Universe for everything I have. I also love to create the feeling of having the things I want in the future while I’m staring out to sea. It’s amazing how your imagination can make you so excited and motivated!
I am a big believer in the law of attraction. It has attracted so many good things and opportunities in my life and I want to share that through this blog so every reader can do the same.
I think one of the most important things in life is to be positive, because lets face it, who wants to be around a negative person? To be positive, you are going to have to do things that make you happy right? So do them. If going to the beach makes you happy then go. If it is exercise, or seeing family, writing or listening to music, making music or travelling, designing or reading that makes you happy, then do it. I realise that work, and other commitments can get in the way of these luxuries, but make an extra effort to fit them in because once you make time for yourself, everything and everyone in your life will benefit.
Here’s a little tip if you’re having one of those days where nothing can make you happy… Make someone else happy. Do something nice for someone else. A family member, a friend or a stranger. I guarantee you will feel a sense of pride and happiness overcome you. Helping others is a magical thing!
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."
-Marcus Aurelius
You can choose your thoughts, so choose happy ones, ones that make you smile. And don’t forget… to pass around the smile.
My lovely skirt is from Re Loved Treasures.
My jewels are from Frankly My Dear, Lacie Jewellery Design, and Sea and Stone Jewellery. You can find these amazing businesses at The Village Markets and Miami Marketta.
My sunglasses are Quay and can be found at About A Girl.
Feb 26, 2015