I don’t know about you, but when I haven’t been creative for a while I get a little restless.
Being creative is like meditating for me. I’m usually doing it alone and in a space where I feel relaxed and comfortable.
I try and be creative everyday whether it is playing guitar, singing, writing music, writing scripts or doing other arts and crafty type things. (Which is rare as I am far from being an artist.)
Well, today I thought I would attempt making my own Dream Catcher. It's not the best Dream Catcher you've ever seen, in fact it is pretty shabby. But it goes with my beachy room and I had fun making it so I don't care! I hope this short and sweet blog inspires you to do some creative things yourself! Hey, you might even want to make a Dream Catcher.
But seriously, being creative is exciting, and it’s always rewarding after you finish something that you are proud of. If you have the power to make yourself proud and happy, then why wouldn’t you do it? Sometimes it only takes something tiny.
Cleo xx