
Do Less, Attract More - Gabby Bernstein Live Re-Cap

Do Less, Attract More - Gabby Bernstein Live Re-Cap

In November last year, my birthday was approaching and I got an email announcing Gabby Bernstein’s Australian workshop. My heart went crazy. I LOVE GABBY. So I really inconspicuously forwarded my partner Luke the email and said PLEASE GET ME A TICKET TO THIS FOR MY BIRTHDAY, I WILL BE SO SAD IF THIS ISN’T MY PRESENT LOVE YOU, BYE. Much to my absolute shock and surprise my birthday came around and there was my Gabby Bernstein ticket. Thanks Luke. If you don’t know who Gabby Bernstein is, she is a speaker and author of The Universe Has Your Back,...

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Creating a Life in Flow

Creating a Life in Flow

To surrender, is to give all of your worries, concerns and wants and desires over to the Universe. When you completely surrender and trust the process, your life will flow. You know those days when everything just works?! You get a park in the busiest street, you arrive a perfect 5 minutes before your meeting, you talk with ease, you get messages from friends organising social occasions that fall on the perfect day for you, emails come through at a perfect moment where you have time to reply, you get your work done quickly with a clear and focused mind,...

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BTS - Creating my Positive Guidance Cards & Meditations

BTS - Creating my Positive Guidance Cards & Meditations

Hello Pass Around the Smile’rs! What a crazy, amazing year it has been! I am about to take you through the whole process of creating my Positive Guidance Cards and meditations through a very long blog! I hope this can inspire you to begin whatever it is you have been dreaming about, or to push forward positively on a dream you’re already pursuing. Here we go… Growing up, I would use what I called my ‘angel cards’ all the time. My Mum had about 5 decks which I slowly and as discretely as possible accumulated and made my own. I...

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Allow Yourself to Succeed

Allow Yourself to Succeed

For years and years I wasn’t succeeding to the level I wanted to within my acting career. I was using the Law of Attraction practices like crazy. I was visualising, I was acting as if I had already received the roles I wanted and I truly believed I was good enough. It was frustrating me, as the Law of Attraction didn’t seem to be working, which made no sense as I was and am SUCH a believer. I needed to figure out what was going on and took some time to look back on all of my goals, manifestations and...

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