
Do Things That Make You Happy

Do Things That Make You Happy

For me, the smell of the sea, the feel of the sand in between my toes, and salty hair makes me feel alive! I am free when I am near the sea. My Mum told me my Nan used to sing this song and it has stuck with me ever since. “I see the sea, the bright blue sea, I see the sea,  I’m as happy as can be.” When I take time by myself it’s usually at the beach. I use this as my meditation time. My form of meditating is staring at the horizon, walking or sitting. I...

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Travel Makes You Richer

Travel Makes You Richer

Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. I have been lucky enough to travel to some amazing places in my time, and every different place has left me with a bundle of new knowledge, friends, memories and of course, experiences. I understand not everyone has the money or time to travel, but it is definitely something to aim for. And remember, you don’t have to go on a 6 month trip around Europe to be ‘travelling.’ Go on a road trip. Pack your car with food, drinks, Ipod speakers, and a tent and drive somewhere. So many people...

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You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

It is natural to be attracted to happy people. I actually find myself staring at strangers who have beaming smiles on their faces. Am I weird?   The thing is, it’s hard to be happy all the time. Sucky things happen, and that’s just life. Obviously you can’t keep that smile on your face 24/7 and that is totally okay.   I have found the easiest way to keep smiling,(and that’s a natural smile by the way, not a ‘I should smile even though I don’t feel like it type smile'), is to start looking at what you have rather...

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