
Trust the Process

Trust the Process

I often talk about the Law of Attraction because I think it's amazing. There are stories out there from people who have actively used the power of positive thought and the law of attraction that have blown my mind. We really do have complete control over our lives, and while we may not have complete control of our thoughts, we do have control over which thoughts we give attention too.  Giving your good thoughts attention only creates more good thoughts. When you have good thoughts, you say positive things, you do positive things and subconsciously you surround yourself with positive people and situations. By doing...

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How to Find Your Niche! (Exercise Wise)

How to Find Your Niche! (Exercise Wise)

I have never been a lover of exercise, in fact I would say I used to be a hater of exercise!  If you visit my blog often, you would have previously read something like, 'life is short,' or 'don't waste your time doing things that you don't like,' 'live life to the fullest,' etc etc. Well, in this post I will be talking about just that! Life IS short, and life IS amazing, so don't waste time doing things that you don't like! Moving your body is important, and exercising is proven to release endorphins which make you happy. I'm sure everyone reading...

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Surround Yourself with Goodness!

Surround Yourself with Goodness!

It's so easy in this day and age to be surrounded by negative energy. This energy might come from people, it might come from social media, articles, this energy can even come from the weather!  If you're having a bad day, negative energy can even come from a pen that won't work or the driver in the car in front of you.  TWO THINGS: 1. Don't talk or think about it. 2. Surround yourself with good and positive people, situations and things! 1. One of the biggest ruts you can get yourself into is talking about this negative energy that you...

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You Should Go and Love Yourself

You Should Go and Love Yourself

Thank you Justin Biebs, yes we should, we should all go and love ourselves!  Loving yourself is one of the most important factors of life. If you don't love yourself, how will you have the confidence or faith in yourself to do the things in life that you want? Now, there is a fine line here. I'm not saying you should start taking 100's of selfies and change your personality to a narcissistic one. I'm simply saying, start loving who YOU are. Start now.  YOU are different to everyone else, and yes I say this lots in my blogs, but...

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