Finding your path can be super easy, or super hard, it can take you your whole life, or you can fall into it straight away. There are a lot of people who are happy (enough) with their lives, but please don't confuse this with being HAPPY. Is 'happy enough', enough?
You have a path out there that is made for you, all you have to do is find it and when you do, it feels right and so damn good!
Now, making sure you don't confuse 'feels right' with 'right' is hard, because even if you're on the right path you can still have good days and bad days, good moods and bad moods and you can still make mistakes and be riddled with self doubt. So how do we know if we're on the right path?
A few things to keep in mind are:
- Your talents
- Your desires and dreams
- Coincidences
- Repetitious signs
- Whatever you're scared of (This is usually where your passion lies!)
A lot of people are in careers which make them feel comfortable, stable, and relaxed and I can see why, all of those are great feelings! Yet a lot of these people aren't stepping up within their career or switching careers because of insecurities, money, self doubt and fear. Some people assume they're on the right path and get comfortable, not realising there is another path more suited to them waiting to be walked on.
You might feel like you are on the right path because the job you're in is giving you the money you need to feed your family, or maybe your parents were in the same field so it's 'right' to take over the business, maybe you fell into the job and keep easily working your way up because you're not challenged? All of these are very valid reasons to stay where you are and never settle for anything else, but let me tell you about my journey!
When I was 11 I got my first acting role on a series called 'H20 Just Add Water.' I filmed this series for four years and I can't tell you how right it felt! I was in my element, I loved acting, set was half an hour away from my home, I met life long friends and contacts, and it gave me the boost I needed in my career.
When things are right, nothing stands in your way and everything flows. The description of the role when I went to audition for H20 was, 'overweight Greek kid,' and my skinny, pale, blonde self got the role. At the time we didn't even think it was worth auditioning for as I was nothing like the character description but clearly, the role was meant for me! There were so many other coincidences that happened along the way, one being that my on screen sister's character name was already named 'Cleo.' (Remember coincidences aren't accidents, they're signs from the Universe.)
After finishing H20, I worked so hard to land another role. I spent thousands on head shots, flying to Sydney and LA for auditions, visas, courses etc. It has now been eight years of working my bum off to be a successful actor since finishing H20.
In 2015, I decided to start this Blog. The idea came out of nowhere, I got started straight away and everything was coming to me really easily. I couldn't believe I was enjoying something just as much as acting. All of a sudden, acting wasn't my ONLY passion. After writing blogs, I began writing my first film. I finished that film a while after, and am currently working on two other screen writing projects! I also have been given the opportunity to speak at events and I'm now loving using Pass Around the Smile as a verbally interactive project as well as a blog. So let me get this straight.... now not only do I love acting, I love blogging, screen writing and public speaking!
This doesn't mean acting isn't the right path for me. It means at that time, it wasn't right. The Universe pushed me to realise I had other talents and interests. To be honest, looking back I ignored the Universe for SO long because I was scared and I thought that acting was my only passion.
I want other people to realise that there is so much more out there for you. Whoever you are, wherever you are, look for the path that makes you feel good, nervous, excited, challenged and amazing! It doesn't have to be just one thing! It can be, but it doesn't have to be. If you end up having 9 career changes, then awesome! You've experienced so much! Each one of these experiences may have been a part of the Universe's plan to get you to where you're supposed to be.
You know you're on the right path when it feels right, coincidence's happen ALL THE TIME and everything flows. It's important to trust the Universe's guidance, take risks, try new things and BELIEVE in yourself. This life is yours to live, make it a crazy exciting one!
"Life paths are just like foot paths, they both lead you to several different destinations on the journey!" - Pass Around the Smile.
(P.S) a book that helped me so much on the journey to discovering my right path, was the Manifestation Miracle. You can buy it online and download it. It really is amazing! If you like The Secret, you will LOVE this!)
(P.P.S) As you can probably tell, I've given my blog a makeover, please hit the new love heart button if today's blog helped you in anyway, and don't forget to subscribe on the 'contact' page! Thanks for reading.
Wearing: Kivari, again!
Photography: Natalie Imgraben - Instagram: @natalieimgraben
Cleo xx
March 2, 2018