Did you know our brains can't distinguish the difference between imagination and reality? This means, that you can trick your mind into creating whatever you want. It sounds too good to be true, but I and hundreds of the best scientists around the world (like how I just casually put myself in the bracket of one of the best scientists in the world), can tell you that it IS true. The things you think about, you bring about.
A lot of us use the Law of Attraction without realising, which means a lot of us already trick our minds and bring what we want into reality without knowing. For example, you might have thought in the past 'It would be so nice if someone took me out to dinner.' You forget about it and then that night or a couple of nights later, someone takes you out to dinner. You think, what a coincidence?! Or maybe you're thinking about an old friend, forget about it and then they message you. YOU brought all of these 'coincidences' into your life.
Now, this works hand in hand with the Law of Attraction, which says to ASK, BELIEVE and RECEIVE. Tricking your mind comes under the BELIEVE part. For example; say you want your boss to love the presentation you've been working on. ASK the Universe something like, 'Universe, I ask that you help and guide me so that I can complete this presentation in a way that will impress my boss beyond words.'
Next, you want to believe... now is the time to really imagine, pretend you're a child playing with your toys and creating this surreal world around you. Imagine your Boss' voice, telling you what you want to hear, feel the feeling of receiving that news. Imagine yourself celebrating with a bottle of champagne afterwards. Really see it, feel it and believe it.
Receiving is actually one of the trickiest parts of the Law of Attraction, but this blog isn't about that. If you're interested in a more in depth description of the blocks that surround receiving, check this blog out.
This blog is about your thoughts! So...
You've Started... Now What?!
Take control of your thoughts.
I've said this a number of times, but in case you're a new reader I'll say it again. We have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day, so there is no way you can control all of your thoughts. Not even Oprah could do that. Actually, Oprah might be able to do that. Oprah could probably do that, she is amazing. But seriously, don't feel guilty about the negative thoughts you have. It's natural. It's annoying and puts a damper on your day, but sometimes we just can't help it.
What you can do is this. Choose which thoughts to give your attention too. Thought 1: Your friend Jack is really annoying you. Thought 2: Jack really helped you when you were going through a hard time. It's pretty obvious which thought you should give your focus too right? When someone or something is annoying you or creating negative thoughts in your mind, turn it around. Don't give it a second. Always focus on the good. No matter how bad your mood and thoughts are that day, you can always turn a negative thought into a positive one.
Once you change that initial negative thought it will build. Let's go back to Jack helping you in the past. You then might think how good he made you feel at that time, because of how good you felt, you were able to come out of that rut, because Jack helped you out of that rut, you then landed a new job. One good thought stems to another good thought and once you keep building on that, the energy inside of you becomes positive and magnetic. You're now what they call 'in alignment.'
Being in Alignment
What does that mean?!
You will know when you're in alignment. You will feel INCREDIBLE, good things will happen to and around you, coincidences will occur all the time and life will feel exciting and simple, like a wave that keeps rolling in the right direction.
You have the power to get yourself in alignment no matter the day, time or mood you're in. Your thoughts are powerful, all you need to do is think about things that make you genuinely happy and build on that. Once you build and build, you will eventually get yourself to a state of alignment.
Once you're in this state, you can manifest ANYTHING you want. There is no higher vibrational state than being in alignment, while remaining grateful and visualising exactly what you want.
NOTE: You have to believe these thoughts. It does take effort. Thinking 'I am a happy person, everyone wants to be around me' while crying and hating on yourself won't work. Changing your thought pattern and believing it can be the most important thing in your life.
How Changing Your Thoughts Will Change Your Life
& examples...
Changing your thoughts to happy and positive thoughts will make you shine on the inside and the outside. When you're truly happy, you will naturally attract good people, good things and good circumstances. By attracting good things, only better things will follow.
Once you're in alignment and thinking positively, guess what you're doing? Tricking your mind into changing your thoughts to things! It's actually pretty simple, the key is just to BE happy. To BE happy, you have to focus on the POSITIVE. Focusing on the positive and creating exciting visualisations of what you want in your mind, WILL become your reality.
You have the power and the sooner you start, the sooner you'll get what you want.
I wanted to share a personal experience I had using the principle of 'your thoughts become things'! I love hearing other people's Law of Attraction success stories, it inspires me so much as you're hearing it first hand! (Whenever you're feeling a bit negative or searching for some inspiration type into Youtube, LOA Success Stories.)
SO, the other day something really amazing happened! I was doing a guided meditation on Youtube, and I was visualising the perfect role I want to land in a film. I was imagining myself in the role, on set, at the premiere, etc. I was getting so excited, and really letting my mind wander!
All of a sudden, the letter A popped into my head. I don't know why, but I knew that the role I was about to receive would start with A. Anyway, I forgot about it, went to sleep and the next day went for a walk. While I was walking the name Anna popped into my head. Again, I don't know why it did, but I knew it had something to do with a role. I thought it was weird because that's my Mum's name.
Again, I forgot about it and later that day I got an email from my agent with an audition attached. The character's name that I was going for was Ana! I didn't realise until five minutes later... and then I thought, oh my gosh, I went back to the script to check, and realised that the biggest coincidence had just happened. Yes it was one N instead of two, but who cares! The role also wasn't perfect for me, but any chance to audition is an amazing opportunity. This could open up so many other possibilities and it shows that I am in complete alignment with my thoughts, and I am beginning to attract things!
Coincidences aren't just coincidences, they're signs from the Universe to let you know you're on the right path. I LOVE COINCIDENCES! Make sure you listen and watch out for them. They are so powerful as they're created from your thoughts and your mind.
Don't underestimate the power of your mind!
Cleo xx