The Law of Attraction is a Universal law which allows us to manifest WHATEVER we want into our lives. The 3 steps are said to be ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE.
However, after years of being obsessed with the Law of Attraction and the infinite possibilities that the Universe has available to us, I have figured out a few steps that are constantly missed or looked over.
If you have given the Law of Attraction a go and have been disappointed with the result, then maybe you're missing a few of these crucial steps. I won't go into detail about the original steps, ask, believe and receive, but if you're new to the Law of Attraction and want to know more about these steps, read this blog here and then come back to this blog post!
Before the 'ask' step, it is SO important to get focused on exactly what you want. The Universe likes specific and clear visualisations. You can ask for as many things as you want, the Universe doesn't work in quantity's and also doesn't care whether it's sending $20 or $20,000 your way. There is enough abundance, happiness and amazing things out there for everyone. However, separate your desires and ask for one specific thing at a time. After getting clear about exactly what you want, free your space and your mind before asking. It's more powerful to ask in a quiet, peaceful environment, where you're focused and in tune with the Universe and your own energy.
2. ASK
It's all well and good to imagine yourself in your new role at work, or in that new car, or with a new partner, but if you don't believe that you can be a great worker, partner etc. then that's not enough. You need to know wholeheartedly that you deserve whatever you're asking for. You need to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF completely. You're good enough. You're capable enough and you're ready!
This is a huge one, and the lady who taught me all about this, is the amazing Gabrielle Bernstein. Don't try and control your wish. For example: Say you want a promotion at work. You ask the Universe while meditating, you really believe you're good enough for the role, you see yourself in the role and create the feelings of excitement through your body, tricking your brain into thinking that these visualisations are real life.
Then you keep thinking about it, and how it might come about. Maybe Matt from accounts will go away on a holiday and you will step in and keep the role, maybe the sales will go through the roof and they will need two people in that role, and you obsess over how this wish of yours will come into reality. The Universe ALWAYS knows the quickest, and best option for you. Often, the Universe has an even BETTER plan for you. A mantra I use is: I accept this, or something better. Surrendering to the Universe can be really difficult, because when we want something it's natural to keep thinking and obsessing over that thing. However, we have to make a conscious effort to let go of our desire and TRUST that the Universe knows the best way. Trying to control your desire gets in the way of the Universe's plan. Don't underestimate it's power.
I am guilty of receiving and not being grateful. In one instance, I actually had my desire taken away from me! When I received this desire, I was excited but kept second guessing it. "Why did they choose me?" "The role will probably be cut from the show." "I won't believe it until I'm on set." Well, the Universe heard me loud and clear and took my desire straight off me!
Luckily I am getting better at tuning into a positive frequency quickly and attracting the things I want. Because of this, I was actually able to manifest this desire back, which was pretty crazy! But the point is, gratitude is one of the highest vibrations you can put out into the Universe, so to me, it NEEDS to be included in the Law of Attraction. It's also pretty simple. After receiving, THANK the Universe. Accept your desire you have just manifested with open, accepting and GRATEFUL arms, knowing that you deserve it.
I hope you enjoyed this blog! Please hit the love heart button if it helped you, and feel free to get in contact via the contact page if you have a burning desire for me to write about a certain topic!
Cleo xx