If it were up to us, we would want everyday to be an amazing day. If it were up to us, we would want everyday to be inspiring, fun and uplifting! If it were up to us, we would only want to be surrounded by amazing people and exciting opportunities. Well guess what, it is up to us. It's up to YOU!
No one else can determine how your day is going to go. It's completely up to YOU. You can choose to have a good day, or you can choose to have a bad day.
Unfortunately we can't control what happens around us, but we can control how we react to it! By being positive you are going to lessen the chances of negative things happening around you, but at the end of the day, other people's lives, are other people's lives. Not yours, not your problem.
Now, back to making today amazing! I always remember this section from 'The Secret'... In Aladdin, you know how the Genie says, 'your wish is my command?' Think of it like this...YOU are Aladdin, and the Genie is the Universe. All along, this fairytale had the Law of Attraction down pat! To receive, you need to believe. Think of it as shopping online. You put your order in, pay for it, and then you 100% believe your package is coming right? Treat the Universe exactly the same! Tell the Universe what you want, and believe that it is coming your way.
The power of the mind is so incredibly amazing. We literally have the power to control our lives. YOU have the power to do whatever you want in this world.
YOU have the energy you need to manifest your dreams.
You might be thinking... yeah well eventually I will manifest my dreams, and maybe one day I will get the money, or the car or the lifestyle I want. Yes... true. But start today! Small changes result in big and exciting things!
So today... you wake up, and you want to have an AMAZING day... You want to be your best, most positive self, and you want to attract all the good, unbelievable, incredible, exciting opportunities, people and things in the world. YOU CAN! AND YOU WILL!
Here are five ways to get started and make today AMAZING:
- GRATITUDE! - Say your thank yous! You're not going to attract anything new into your life if you're not thankful for what you already have! Start your day by saying out loud what you're thankful for. (It's amazing how articulating what you're thankful for makes you realise how lucky you are. It puts you in a positive mindset for the day ahead!) Check out my 30 day Challenge which explores this a bit further here: 30 Day Challenge.
- VISUALISE! - What do you want? Spend a minute, 2 minutes, 30 minutes, however long you can, visualising EXACTLY what you want. Not only does this get you excited and motivated, but you're moving forward in more ways than you can imagine. Remember... the brain can't distinguish what is imaginary and real... so trick it!
- DISTRACT YOURSELF - While having time to meditate, relax and visualise is amazing, one of the main rules of the Law of Attraction is to LET GO! (To let go of your wish, and to trust that it is coming.) I never understood how I was supposed to 'let go' of something that I wanted so badly! Until I did it. I got busy, and forgot... and then BAM! It came to me. So distract yourself with work, with friends, with all of the things that make you HAPPY!
- TREAT YOURSELF! - I've said it once and I'll say it again. Stop stressing over the money or time you 'don't have,' stop feeling guilty for eating bad, or not finishing your work that day. We're allowed to fall behind, we're allowed to be lazy, and we're allowed to spend our hard earned money! If we were never lazy, we wouldn't know what it feels like to be productive! If we never spent our money, we wouldn't know how good it felt to earn it! If we never ate bad, we wouldn't get to experience those fun times where we can let loose and indulge!
- TRUST THE UNIVERSE! - And finally... trust! It's so exciting that we have a higher power to lean on. For some it might be God, a loved one in Heaven, the Universe, or something completely different! TRUST that you're being guided. If you're having a bad day, or if you're not feeling inspired... remember, the Universe has a plan for you. This is just a little detour, and one day we will understand why it happened. We all have our own path, and we're all on our way, or are already there. If you're on your way, enjoy the journey, if you're already there, be thankful!
I hope you enjoyed today's blog!
Cleo xx
PHOTOGRAPHY BY: Natalie Imgraben (She's seriously amazing)
INSTAGRAM: @natalieimgraben