REJECTION. A word that brings on fear for almost anyone.
How you perceive rejection is your choice. You can choose to feel sorry for yourself, fear that you’ve wasted your time, fall into a pattern of self doubt and second guess everything you did, or you can be thankful for what you learnt along the way, remind yourself that it isn’t personal, and believe that this rejection is just making room so that something better can make its way into your life.
I’m here to tell you, that you’re way too good to be rejected. By anyone, or anything. I’m here to tell you, that you have every right to reject rejection! However, keep in mind that sometimes we’re meant to be rejected. Sometimes the rejection is fair or right. By ‘rejecting rejection,’ I mean two different things depending on the situation; 1. To stand up for yourself if you know in your heart it’s right and worth fighting for, and 2. To accept that whatever has rejected you has happened for a reason, and move forward with optimism, knowing that the Universe has your back.
Just like dwelling on negativity has its risks, dwelling on rejection does too, because essentially, rejection is negative, and we all know that when we focus on the negative we attract the negative. Choose to stand up for yourself and fight for what you strongly believe is right, or choose to let it go.
So, how do we know if we should fight or let it go? Well, you’re the only person who can decide that, and I believe you can get the answer by listening to your heart. It’s one of the most powerful human skills we can learn and the most reliable source when seeking answers. How many times have you thought ‘ahhh, I should have listened to my gut?!’ Often, our initial gut feeling is correct, and we have to learn to listen intuitively to ourselves, in order to live a free flowing life. We also have to take who or what is rejecting us into account. If it’s a person, often we need to respect their decision. In saying that, some relationships, friendships or work relationships are worth fighting for. If you lose out on getting a job, a promotion or don’t win a competition or an award, sometimes it’s best to let it go. However in some circumstances, if you really feel it’s right, fight for it!
As Gabby Bernstein says, ‘obstacles are detours in the right direction.’ Sometimes rejection, no matter how bad, wrong or unfair it seems at the time, will end up for the better. Majority of the time it does. It might be so you can learn valuable life lessons like, patience, gratitude, forgiveness or true love. It might be so that you can meet the right person, or get the right job, it might allow you to spend more time on an assignment or project so it leads to a better result which will then lead to something else! The Universe always has a better plan and can see possibilities that we can’t yet see.
There are so many reasons as to why you may be rejected in your lifetime. Choose to look at it through the eyes of optimism rather than through the eyes of fear and disappointment.
Self-love and the Law of Attraction also come into play with rejection. Often we can attract rejection through the fear of being rejected. It is completely natural, but to eliminate rejection from your life, you must change your thought process. Start by practicing self-love. Make time to meditate, journal and say your thank you’s for who you are and what you love about yourself. Do whatever it takes to become more confident in your own skin, skills and personality. If you feel like you need to practice more self-love, check out my blog on it here.
The Law of Attraction is an incredible way to focus on the positives, on what you do want, instead of what you don’t want. With the Law of Attraction, you can eliminate all thoughts of ‘fearing rejection’ by replacing them with thoughts of landing the job, winning the award, falling in love etc. Next time you find yourself in a negative thought pattern, worrying about getting rejected and not being good enough, GET RID OF IT! Focus on how competent, amazing, incredible and deserving you are of great relationships, opportunities and circumstances. More on the Law of Attraction in another blog here.
Rejection provides an opportunity to grow, learn and become a more understanding, patient and hardworking human. If you look hard enough, there are always positives in a negative! - pass around the smile
Cleo xx