Do you want to be constantly happy? Constantly smiling? Constantly in awe of your own life?! Well you can be, and the only person who can help you get to that state of happiness is YOURSELF. I find this so exciting, because YOU are in charge, and YOU can make a change. You can literally create the exact life that you want with your mind, some positivity and determination.
In this day and age, social media plays a huge part in all of our lives. We scroll through Instagram and subconsciously compare ourselves to others. 'I should be as skinny as her, I eat the same,' I should have abs like her I do the same workout,' 'I should have a car like she does, I work just as hard,' 'I wish my hair was as shiny as hers, I use the same products as her.' First of all, a lot of what you see on Instagram isn't real. People only show the best parts of their lives, and publicise snippets that they're proud of and happy about. Which is totally normal, we all do it! And while you're sitting their getting jealous about someone else's abs, or hair... someone else is envious of something you have and they don't.
Second of all, just because someone looks happy on social media, doesn't mean they're truly happy. It goes with the saying 'everyone's fighting a battle that you don't know about.' We have to be careful not to judge people because of how they're perceived on social media. Everyone is just trying to do the same thing as you. Live their life, on their terms. So let them!
On that note, life is not a race. And you're not going to get anywhere by comparing yourself to others whether it be your body image, a job, how much money you have, or someone else's relationship status. Change your tune from jealousy or envy, to love! Whenever you show or give love, you're going to get it back. They're living their life, you're living yours. We are all on different paths, and there is no wrong or right path!
If you feel good right now about where you are in life, then YAY YOU! Keep going, and remember to help people on the way. If you're not feeling good about where you are right now... maybe you hate your job, or you're in a toxic relationship, be brave and make the change. Start by meditating and asking for guidance. Quiet your mind and listen to your instincts. I know the saying 'listen to you heart' sounds like an old Lizzy McGuire song, but listening to yourself really does work. Deep down, we know exactly what we need and when we need it. No one knows ourselves better than we do, so if you have an instinct that something isn't right, it isn't.
Don't even give a thought about what people might think if you do want to go through a change. If people are judging you, then they aren't happy with their own lives, and you don't need them in your life. You will attract the right people into your life once you're living true to yourself. Once you're 100% about who you are and what you should be doing, abundance will literally flow into your life. It's so exciting that we have the power to do this, you just have to trust yourself, and trust the Universe. (Or whatever higher power you believe in.)
IT'S YOUR LIFE! Do whatever the hell you want and whatever the hell makes you happy! And if this starts to work for you, inspire others to do the same. Helping people feels good.