It all starts with one thought, one feeling or one circumstance.
We all have bad days, weeks, or maybe months. I'm here to tell you the easiest and most effective way to get yourselves out of these horrible ruts and turn your life around instantly.
A friend and I were chatting yesterday about our travels and how we both got stuck in negative ruts while we were away. We felt alone and negative, which led to bad moods and negative outcomes. We were both away for months, it wasn't a holiday. (Just FYI)
We both had a really similar path back to positivity and it made us realise how easy it is to get back to where you want to be if you have the right mind set.
For me, it was definitely my mind set. I had in my head that I didn't like LA for many reasons. LA is an amazing place, it's exciting and there are so many opportunities over there. It wasn't until I got over the fact that I was 'alone' and in a 'tough industry' that things started to change instantly. All I did was change my mindset. Instead of thinking, 'I have no friends or family here,' or 'Why did I put myself in such a hard industry,' or 'This is a waste of time, energy and money,' I began thinking things like, 'I am here for a reason,' 'I'm thankful for the opportunities I have been given in the States,' and 'I have a bunch of friends and support over here.'
Things honestly changed in a matter of minutes. I was so shocked, but at the same time it all made so much sense. What you put out, you get back. It's true and it's been scientifically proven so many times, so why do we not lean on this more?
Something very similar happened to my friend. It was terrible weather where she was for a couple of weeks, which resulted in her having nothing to do. She started with one positive thought, and automatically felt better. Good things started snowballing from there... the sun even came out! When you open your mind up to positivity and possibilities, it's amazing the ideas and good thoughts that will pop into your mind. You might wonder why you hadn't thought of these things before? It's because you weren't in the right mindset, you weren't allowing yourself to be open to these ideas and thoughts.
It's so amazing what will snowball your way when you change your mindset. The last two weeks of my America trip were incredible, and I believe I have myself to thank for that. I look back and I'm so thankful for how everything turned out. I'm even thankful for those few weeks where I was extremely negative and not wanting to be there. It's the bad times, and the negative times that shape us! It's how we deal with them, how we react to them and how we move on from them that make us learn and grow.
Don't choose to give your negative feelings the time of day. Try your best to ignore them and train your mind to think of the positive outcomes, and how this negative situation might be helping you in the long run. We learn and grow so much from all our experiences, and we don't realise until it's over.
So to snowball your life into happiness, start with one positive thought, and believe it. Enjoy the ride from there!
Cleo xx
Photography: Michael Angelo - Instagram: michaelangelophoto